let calcCoeff (setX : int[]) (setY : int[]) = let GetRanks set n = // Parameters: // ranks: the output list of the ranks, it is infered with type float // due to the float division in the 2nd statement // freq: the occurances of the same value in the list // curRank: the current rank starting from n increasing to 1 // acc: the sum of the repeated values in the set, this value is divided // by freq to calculate the shared rank between more than 1 value // set: the sorted set of data (implicitly passed into the function as // this is used with pattern matching) let rec CalculateRanks ranks freq curRank acc = function | [] -> List.toArray(ranks) | hd :: tl when tl <> [] && tl.Head = hd -> CalculateRanks ranks (freq+1) (curRank - 1) (acc + curRank) tl | hd :: tl when freq > 1 -> CalculateRanks ((List.replicate freq ((float(acc + curRank)) / float(freq))) @ ranks) 1 (curRank-1) 0 tl | hd :: tl -> CalculateRanks (float(curRank) :: ranks) 1 (curRank-1) 0 tl let sorted = Array.sort(set) // Create a new array, containing the values and ranks as pairs (2-value tuple) // The array returned needs reversing as the cons operator (::) prepends an item to the list let ranks = Array.zip (Array.rev(CalculateRanks [] 1 n 0 (Array.toList sorted) )) sorted // Create a blank array with the same amount of elements let orderedRanks = Array.zeroCreate n // Find the value in the original list by searching for the value // (2nd item in the tuple (snd) and take the rank (1st item in the tuple (fst)) for i in 0 .. n-1 do let originalIndex = Array.findIndex (fun x -> snd x = set.[i]) ranks orderedRanks.[i] <- (fst ranks.[originalIndex]) orderedRanks if setX.Length <> setY.Length then raise (new System.ArgumentException("Both collections of data must contain an equal number of elements")) let n = setX.Length let ranksX = GetRanks setX n let ranksY = GetRanks setY n let sigmaDiff = (Array.zip ranksX ranksY) |> Array.sumBy (fun x -> (fst x - snd x) ** 2.0) 1.0 - ((6.0 * sigmaDiff) / ((float(n) ** 3.0) - float(n))) let main() = let setX = [| 72; 112; 46; 97; 46; 46; 52 |] let setY = [| 20; 2; 7; 11; 4; 12; 7 |] let rho = calcCoeff setX setY printfn "Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient: %f" rho main()Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient: -0.062500
On inspecting the performance of both C# and F# versions (using System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch), F# came in at just a few milliseconds faster than the C# version. Note also that I used type annotation for the 2 array parameters to constrain the array to type int.